Content Gap Analysis: What Is It And How to Do One In 5 Steps
Any discrepancy between the content your audience desires and what is actually available on your website is known as a content gap. The practice of assessing a content topic to see if there are any chances to cover it more thoroughly is known as a content gap study. Identifying and fixing these gaps might help […]
Content Promotion: 3 Ways to Easily Distribute Content
Almost as crucial as producing content is distributing it. Publishing it on your own website is frequently the first step in this process, but it won’t have the most impact. Even massively popular companies like Red Bull and The New York Times employ a wide range of methods for content promotion. Putting oneself in the […]
Freelancer vs. Agency: Which Web Design Solution Fits Your Small Business?
Dealing with arrays of problems when running a business is part of the job. Among other things, you need to engage with your teammates, stay revenue-focused, and come up with new ideas. There are a number of things to think about, but one of the most crucial ones is to make sure you’re working with […]
Ethical Marketing For Business: Definition, Principles, & Examples
Promoting a brand, business, service, or product in a way that is consistent with your beliefs and values is known as ethical marketing. Businesses must expose their operations and goods in order to practice ethical marketing. They can’t use misleading marketing. Ethical marketing increases customer trust by being truthful and open. Because they won’t be […]
7 Social Media Tips Every Small Business Needs To Scale Easily
Its so essential to have an online presence on well-known social media platforms. However, simply posting static photographs sometimes or creating an idle account is insufficient. The average person uses social media for 147 minutes every day. That is more than two hours of time spent on content creation and consumption. To stand out in […]
Discover How Positive Reviews Can Triple Your Website Traffic and Revenue
Positive reviews are the goal of any business owner, yet many fail to take use of this feedback. When handled properly, positive reviews may be a very effective tool for increasing the growth of your business.Positive reviews are more than just flattering statements; they are essential to establishing your business credibility and visibility on the […]
How to Increase Webpage Speed: 10 Essential Hacks
Optimizing your website to load and display more quickly is known as webpage speed optimization. A number of variables, such as the kind of material on the website and user expectations, can affect the “optimal” speed of a website. Nonetheless, it is generally advised that a web page load in two to six seconds as […]
Website Redesign or Refresh? How Often Should You Update Your Website Look And Feel
Since running a business may be a hectic and time-consuming activity in and of itself, many entrepreneurs may overlook the fact that their website is one of the most important components of their company. Once the website is up and running, it usually ends up at the very bottom of every business’s to-do list, despite […]
What is Google Ads Keyword Prioritization And How it Affect You as a Small Business Owner
Have you ever wondered, how your keyword in your content is matched with searches when there are more than one related keywords (and/or search theme) in your account that also match the search term. Google has recently updated and clarified what it refers to as keyword prioritization or search theme priority and I’ll explain it […]
Transformative Results: 8 Undeniable Benefits of Working With Digital Marketing Agencies
Today, digital marketing has become an essential tool for companies because a higher return on investment for your marketing investment is not merely desirable, but necessary especially in Nigeria. However, navigating the marketing landscape can be daunting. There is no place for speculation given the vast amount of data, social media trends, and shifting search […]