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What to Look For Before You Hire a Web Developer or Web Designer in 2022?

2 women talking because communication is important before you hire a web developer

Every business owner has to hire a web developer or web designer sooner or later. From someone who has been on both sides of the desk, I will use this quick guide to go over some of the key elements to look for when hiring a web designer or web developer to work on your business project.

Why do you want to hire a web developer or web designer?

What’s the main reason you want to hire a web developer or web designer? Of course, creating a website. However, there are many reasons why you might want to create a website. You might want to promote yourself as an artist, writer, or musician. You might want to sell products and services online or simply keep your friends and family in touch with what you are up to.

Photo by Ilya Pavlov

Perhaps you are simply looking for somewhere to store contact details for friends and family? Or maybe you want people to be able to buy items from your store without your presence? Or do you want people to be able to download music files? Or even just to provide a space where people can leave comments about whatever it is that they do?

Your goal will determine the kind of qualities you need before you hire a web developer or designer.

How much does it cost to hire a web developer or designer?

Before we talk about what you should look for before you wire a web developer or designer, let’s find out how much it costs to hire one.

If you are looking to hire a web developer, it is hard to know how much it will cost. There are many factors in play and the cost of hiring a web developer is not always the same.

The average hourly rate for a good web developer ranges from $50 – $80 per hour. If you have a specific project in mind, this may be all that you need for now.

Photo by Scott Graham

However, if your project needs more time or attention than one person can provide then it is best to consider hiring more than one person. This way, if one person gets sick or has personal issues then another person can take over their work until they return to work again.

If you want someone who will work on your site full-time then they will charge more money per hour than someone who only works on an hourly basis while also charging an additional fee for any special features that they provide on your sites such as installation or hosting fees.

Also, You can save money by outsourcing work overseas where labor costs are less expensive than here but keep in mind that lost cost doesn’t always mean great value.

5 Things to Look For Before You Hire a Web Developer or Web Designer

If you’re in need of someone to create your website and make it look great, here are five things to look for before you hire a web developer or web designer.

1. Look at their own website:

When looking to hire a web developer, the first thing you should do is look at their own website. Many people make the mistake of attempting to find a freelancer or company solely on the basis of price, which is a huge mistake.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters

You must ensure that the web developer or designer has relevant experience and skills to create the kind of website you want. and can provide you with contact information for other web developers from other fields whom you might need. This will enable you to determine the level of quality work they will provide for your company.

If you don’t like their own website, there’s a good chance they won’t be able to design something for you. If their website appears to be outdated or uninteresting, it’s time to move on!

2. Check out what their online reputation is like:

Before making any decisions to hire a web developer or web designer, see what other businesses have to say about them. Do they have a lot of good feedback? Is there anything negative said about them? People can now be more open than ever before about their business experiences.

It’s also crucial to do some background research on the company. Google can be your friend here! 

The most important thing is the experience — how many years have they been working in this field? Can they point to projects they’ve done in the past? What were their clients’ experiences like? Did they deliver on their promises?

Some websites will include information about their past projects and how they were completed. Have they designed websites for companies in your field or industry? 

If they have a portfolio available on their website, take a look at some of the things they’ve done in the past and see if they’re things that align with what you’re looking for. They won’t be able to make you anything either. If you think their reputation is a little bit off, then it’s time to move on!

3. Before you hire a Web developer or Web designer, check if they are willing and capable to work with your required web hosting service:

This is really important. If you are going to hire a web developer or designer, check if they are willing and capable of working with your web hosting service.

If your web designer is not comfortable working with your hosting service, then he or she will come up with a lot of problems in the future. This can be very frustrating for both parties involved, as well as costly.

If you have chosen a design agency that only uses one platform, such as WordPress or Drupal, then this will not be an issue at all. However, if you have chosen an agency that uses multiple platforms, then it is important that they are able to adapt to the different needs of each platform.

4. Check if the web developer/designer has good communication skills.

Communication is crucial in any business relationship; if you and the web developer or designer cannot talk to each other easily, there’ll be problems down the road.

2 women talking because communication is important before you hire a web developer
Photo by KOBU Agency

The best way to determine if a web developer has good communication skills is to have direct conversations with them. The ability to communicate well is essential when working with your website designer or developer.

If you’re not sure how to assess this aspect of their skills, here are some questions you can ask them:

  • Are they able to explain things in easy-to-understand terms?
  • Do they respond promptly and professionally when you ask them questions?
  • Do they seem like someone that you would enjoy working with?

5. Do they adhere to web standards:

A good web developer adheres to web standards. Standards ensure that any website using the latest and greatest code is accessible and compatible across multiple platforms and devices. This ensures that your site is viewed properly by everyone. Good web developers understand how important it is to adhere to these standards. A good web developer adheres to web standards. Standards ensure that any website using the latest and greatest code is accessible and compatible across multiple platforms and devices. This ensures that your site is viewed properly by everyone. Good web developers understand how important it is to adhere to these standards.

Go to the W3C website validation page (www.w3.org/QA/Tools/) and run the web addresses of your shortlisted web designers through the MarkUp Validator, Link Checker, and CSS Validator. Do the sites validate as Web 2.0 compliant?

You shouldn’t necessarily discount your favorite designers because of this—but it is something else you should ask them about before making your final decision.

Where can I find web developers?

A great web developer is a rare breed. They are the most valuable assets in any business. But if you’re looking to find a good developer, it can be hard to know where to start. There are so many people out there claiming to be one thing, and then actually delivering something completely different.

Photo by Domenico Loia

Here are some tips that I have learned over the years about where to hire a web developer:

Local Meetups:

If you live in a major city, chances are there’s a local meetup group that meets regularly and offers free training sessions on web development topics like HTML and CSS.

Startup Hubs:

Startup hubs are popping up all over the world, and they’re often set up in areas with a high concentration of startups.

Skill sites:

Websites like Upwork or Fiverr can be great places to start.


A good web designer or developer will be able to create a website that looks great and functions perfectly on all devices. A great web designer or developer will understand how to make your website easy for visitors to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

If you want to get started on creating a website now, contact us here!


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