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5 True Reasons People Buy from You Online

a woman is happy after buying online. This is one of the reasons people buy online.

Reasons people buy online varies. You can’t serve your customers if you don’t know who they are. You cannot sell to customers if you do not know who they are. You can’t grow with your customers if you don’t know who they are. This post aims to help you better understand your customers by assisting […]

How to Make Your Offline Business a Successful Online Business

Building a successful online business is the goal of every online business owner. The internet has now made “online presences” a must for all businesses because of the ROI it yields. Yet, many owners of offline businesses do not see the potential of the web. This only makes their businesses small and local. Do you also want to build a […]

7 Tips You Need to Know Before Choosing a Domain Name for Your New Website?

a sticker showing www. www occurs when choosing a domain name

So you want to begin creating your website? That would require you acquiring and choosing a domain name. No matter how good your site is, visitors will be turned off if the URL is not captivating enough.A great domain name will not only serve as your online brand, but it will also improve your site’s […]

6 Easy Steps to Take your Physical Business Online Now

3 women discussing how to take their physical business online.

So you want to go online with your physical business? Congratulations, that is the trend nowadays. Deciding and committing to take your physical business online is just the way to go – if you’re a brick-and-mortar niche product retailer or a local service provider looking to expand your reach and customer base. Starting your own business online […]

Online Vs Offline Business: The Best Model for Your Business to be Successful

a man standing outside with his laptop thinking if he should start an online vs offline business

Running a business online seems to be the trend, but do you have to give up your traditional storefront to start your own online business? online vs offline business model – Which is better suited for your business? Yes, people can now start and run their own businesses from home thanks to the invention of computers […]

7 Shocking Reasons Most Online Businesses Fail

A couple smile because they know why online businesses fail.

How many online businesses fail? Well, approximately 20% of new online businesses fail during the first two years, 45% within the first five years, and 65% within the first ten years, according to the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Only 25% of newly founded businesses survive for 15 years or more. These statistics are higher […]

Link Building Techniques: 6 Effective ways to Build Links, the Right Way

2 team members on a link building strategy session

You’re probably here because you’re looking to strengthen your website’s online presence and have heard that link-building is one of – if not the most – important activities you can take on. In this post, I’ll explain the top link-building strategies that are used today. I call these six factors – “integral link-building techniques.” Why? […]

5 Ways to Easily Maximize the Power of Authority in Copywriting

A man in suit with authority in copywriting

When it comes to copywriting, the word and tool “authority” is extremely powerful. In fact, the most useful item in a copywriter’s toolbox might just be authority. Authority is the X Factor, or that little additional element that makes your copy glitter, and can transform your prospects’ curiosity into knowledge. As a copywriter, you want […]

6 on-Page SEO Factors to Check now Before Hitting Publish

on-page SEO factors

Wondering how you can improve your SEO performance (increase organic traffic and rankings)? Well, we will show you. The number one cause for web traffic losses and unwanted low rankings is due to poor on page optimization. We have seen a lot of small mistakes being made by website owners and business people alike when it […]

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Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.