5 Ways to Grow your Brand with Storytelling and Optimize Sales in your Business Now

A write-up of your story: grow your brand with storytelling

Do you have a brand that sells something online? Then you must look for ways to grow your brand with storytelling? Regardless of what you are marketing on the internet, growing your brand is a major thing you need to focus on. The issue is, you can’t build a brand without great story-telling. That is why we wrote this to show you how you can utilize story-telling to grow your brand quickly and optimize your sales consistently. A brand isn’t just a colorful logo and name. It’s also connected to marketing campaigns, products, and more — all working towards building a story about your brand. It’s true that there’s no one size fits all approach for telling stories that drive sales, but there are best practices for using content marketing to build a story that will grow your traffic and improve conversion rates — which is the ultimate goal of any business owner. Why you should take a Peek at Storytelling for your brand? Take a look at some of the biggest Company brands in the world: Nike, Apple, Google, Facebook, Proctor, and gamble, etc., or look at examples of big personal brands: De Rock, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Michael Jordan. You’ll notice that these brands never sell their products; they just tell stories about their products and the people who use their products.  Nike sells shoes, they tell stories about athletes using their shoes; Apple never sells the iPhone directly, in fact, the iPhone cost twice as android, and they tell stories about the experience of using the iPhone. Gary Vaynerchuk shows us his daily life, meetings etc. Why do you think companies always ask for testimonials or churches, for testimonies? Exactly, Stories sell. Our brains thrive on story-telling; we are programmed to listen to stories. Every company and business needs a story to tell the world that represents their brands. Growing a brand is not just about selling a product or service. It is about creating a meaning out of your products for your target customers, and this happens when you tell stories that resonate with your target audience-that is the only way to truly grow your brand and optimize sales. Inasmuch as story-telling is a great way to grow your brand and optimize sales; it is indispensable that you tell the right stories, the right way to the right people at the right time. According to Gary Vee, “Technology has caused most of us to have seemingly developed attention deficit disorder. So, as brands, we no longer have the luxury of sharing our message with a captive audience. Consumers are now free to choose what they buy and from where or who they listen to. The big question for marketers is ‘How do I tell my brand stories in ways that are lightweight, quick, and interesting to my audience?’”  How to grow your brand with storytelling and Optimize Sales? Let’s take a quick peek into how you can start telling great stories, improve your brand and optimize sales in your business. 1. Tell great stories that will appeal to and capture the imagination of your audience: Telling your brand story to the right audience or your target customer is important. Imagine telling a story about how rockets have successfully launched to space, to an entertainer. Of course, that will be a great story for a scientist, but definitely not a story for an entertainer or athlete. Therefore, to start growing your brand, figure out who your target customer is. 2. Tell great stories that are true: Like we said, customers are now free. Customers are now capable of sniffing out inconsistencies in the stories of brands. Telling stories that are true, which show your brand growth, how your product has helped people, and you overcome specific challenges. You should make sure your story is yours or one you know is true, so you prevent inconsistencies. 3. Tell great stories that make promises: What does your story promise to offer? Will your story show someone a secret? Will your story provide a shortcut? Will your story take someone out of a depressive state? Will your story be fun, informative, and entertaining? Think about some of the brands you know. What comes to your mind, if you hear their names? Customers now have choices, so, if your story does not make any promise, it is not worth listening to. 4. Tell great stories in the context of the social media platform you are sharing it: Don’t just tell stories, anyhow, anywhere. You need to understand different platforms before you share your brand story there. The way you talk about your brand on Facebook will be different from how you say it on TikTok or Instagram. 5. Tell great stories about your brand consistently: Here is where brands fail. If you are not consistently telling your brand story, you will be unable to grow your brand or even optimize sales. Great stories need to be consistent so that they will be authentic, appear and appeal more frequently to your target customer. To grow your brand, you have to keep talking about your brand. You need to tell them how your product has helped you and your customers; you need to tell them how you got to where you are through your product. Conclusion As Marketing expert and author, Seth Godin will always say, “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make but about the stories you tell”. You need to start telling stories about your brand, stories that will resonate with your audience and make them reach out to you. We know that curating great stories can be a difficult process and time-consuming. However, we believe in the success of your business to grow to become a big brand. Therefore, we would like to be part of your success story. If you would like to create great stories for your business brand, you can message us. Let’s grow your brand together and optimize sales in your business.

FREE REPORT: 9 Most Important SEO Tips | Trends and Hacks You Need to Know in 2022

Are SEO Tips and Hacks even important for you? Well, according to most experts, Google changes its search algorithm 500 to 600 times per year. In 2020 alone, Google made 4,500 changes to its algorithm. This figure includes updates to its ranking system, user interface, and other features. There are over 149 confirmed updates that Google has made to its algorithm from 2000 to date. What this shows is how frequently we have to relearn SEO. It is a game which can be changed at any moment — but once you do your homework, you’ll be ok.   In all our years of experience as a digital marketing agency, Dgazelle Digital has seen clearly that SEO trends repeat themselves over and over again. However, while most of these changes don’t significantly change the SEO landscape, some updates are significant- which is why In this report we’ll provide you with a summary of the most important and simple SEO tips, SEO trends, and hacks you need to know in 2022.  Here’s what we will cover… Top 5 SEO Trends for 2022 Top 5 Tips to greatly optimize your SEO in 2022 Conclusion Is SEO Still Relevant in 2020? SEO is still relevant in 2022 because it helps businesses to get higher search engine rankings. However, the game has changed. The past five years have seen an explosion in technology that has made it easier than ever for small businesses to get their message out there and reach potential customers. However, with this change also comes a lot more competition. In order to be successful in today’s market, you need a strategy that is both effective and scalable. If you want to succeed in the future, you need to develop a strategy that can handle whatever comes your way. Just keep reading to discover SEO tips and also, find out how SEO has changed over the last decade and what this means for your business in 2022. Top 5 SEO Trends for 2022 The individual who understands the future will always win in the market or any other place. This holds true for SEO (search engine optimization) as well. Hence, it is imperative that you stay updated with the SEO trends so that you can be ahead of your competitors. Here they are: 1. SEO is no longer just about keywords and links – it’s about user experience- This is not to say that keywords and links are dead, However, standing alone, they’re certainly not as effective as they were before (Google rankings are less susceptible to manipulation). Once upon a time, SEO was all about ranking for specific keywords and links. However,  Since Google began using machine learning, SEO continues to evolve and more digital power flows to the user- Now, SEO is focused on providing a one-of-a-kind user experience. Digital marketers and content developers should know how to develop great content that will be rich and relevant to users. 2. The rise of various search methods- With the various technical developments like the emergence of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, IoT technology, and other emerging technologies, the SEO industry seems to have a full-throttle revolution. These innovations have brought about the rise in various search methods, especially voice searches and visual searches. Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google assistant now rake over 2.8 billion activations. Visual searches allow users to take photos of images to search for. This development will bring a great opportunity for page optimization for those websites that are visual-heavy. You can check our post on how to maximize your content for voice searches 3. Mobile-First Indexing is Now Standard– Mobile-first indexing is now commonplace. Google announced in January 2016 that it would be launching mobile-first indexing in the near future, providing a warning on all desktop searches and announcing internally at Google that they would no longer be testing or hinting when mobile-first would launch.  The reason for this shift is that users are increasingly accessing the internet through their phones. As a result, if Google is unable to send search queries to websites that are not optimized for mobile devices, it risks losing a significant amount of user engagement and usage, which is bad news for them.  If you don’t want to miss out on the SEO opportunity in 2022, it is critical you build your sites with today’s technologies. Check us to get a great Mobile-Friendly website, so you do not miss out on the trend. 4. The rise of AI-Generated content- AI has been changing the online world for a while now, from personal assistants to self-driving vehicles; we can say that AI has come quite far from the days of science fiction. The world of content is not an exception; in fact, it’s already happening. You can now use AI tools to generate great user-friendly content. AI technology has gotten so good at copying human speech patterns and writing styles that it can now generate content that is indistinguishable from the human-written text. These AI programs will be able to generate content based on keywords and search terms you input, as well as images and videos they might want to include.  This trend is bound to become mainstream very soon. More companies will start using AI to generate content such as articles and blog posts, which means more opportunities for SEO experts since they will then have to optimize those pieces of content just like they would do with human-written articles. 5. The Use of More Structured Data and Rich Snippets- Although it is not a new trend, the use of more-structured data and rich snippets keeps growing every year. Google Search Console already provides reports on structured data items, and with the recent introduction of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), it’s likely that this will become even more important. Why? Because they help search engines understand how your website is structured and what each page is about. More specifically, schemas enable you to markup your pages in ways that are specific

The Ultimate Guide to Painlessly Create a Website and Earn Money

a man with his hand on the laptop who wants to create a website

You can earn money when you create a website or blog. Would you like to know step-by-step how to build a website and earn money? If so, then this is the article for you. We’ll look at what’s involved in creating your own website from start to finish and how to make money from it. This guide will take you through the process of building your own site and earning money online. Why do you need to create a website?. In our post, 9 Sure Ways to Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Website in 2022, we showed the increasing number of sites being created every day. This goes to show that more and more people now know the importance of having a website for their business. In order to be taken seriously in today’s world, you must have a website. For example, 77% of consumers believe that a website makes a business appear more credible and 84% believe a business with a website is more credible than one that only has a social media page. The Internet has become the primary source of information, and it is the place to go to find anyone or anything. Even if you do not intend to sell your skills or services online, you must have a website if you are a professional of any kind. Your personal brand is what others say about you when you are not present. What will they say if they don’t know anything about you or your work? You can use your website to establish yourself as an expert in your field by posting useful content and sharing it with your community. A website is a place where people can learn about what you do and buy from you. If you only run your business on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, then your business is 100% dependent on these companies. If they shut down your account or change their terms of service so that it’s impossible for you to do business anymore – there goes your business. So, if you don’t own a piece of internet real estate then you have no asset that you control. Choosing the right website builder. In simple terms, a website builder is an online platform where you can create a website without knowing anything about coding or programming. It provides you with all the tools and resources you need to set up your online presence in just a few clicks of your mouse. All you need is an internet connection and a computer device such as a laptop or tablet and you can get started right away! To find the right platform for your website, you need to ask yourself some questions: • What is the main purpose of your website? • Is it a personal blog, an e-commerce store, or something more complex and dynamic? • Do you have any technical skills or experience in website building? • How much time do you want to invest in this project? Answering these questions will help you decide whether you should use a CMS like WordPress and Joomla, or a tool like Weebly. If you are not sure where to start, we suggest that you stick with one of these platforms. They are easy to use and extremely flexible. You can create virtually anything with them by plugging in additional components: image galleries, forums, membership systems, e-commerce stores, and more!  Check out this list of the Best Website Builders by Forbes and pick any that suits your business. Choosing a Domain Name. Your domain name is the name that visitors will type into their browser’s URL bar to access your website. It’s also the name you’ll use when inviting people to your home. It’s a big decision, so read this section thoroughly before proceeding. Types of Domain You want to choose a domain that is easy to remember, so people can easily find your site again. It should be short and memorable. You can choose between 2 types of domains: an exact match domain (EMD) or a brandable domain. With an exact match domain, you use a keyword as part of the domain name.  For example, if your site was about dog training, then you could use something like www.dogtraining.com or www.dogtrainingtips.com. Brandable domains are made up of words that don’t have any direct connection to the niche of your site (e.g., www.amazon.com). Exact match domains used to work very well for SEO, but over time Google has changed its algorithm to make EMDs less effective for SEO purposes (though not entirely useless).  If you’re new to blogging, I suggest going with a brandable domain name as it makes it easier to build a brand around that name as opposed to a keyword phrase. There are many factors to consider, including whether the domain name is available and if it will stand the test of time, and what it will cost. The first step to take when choosing a domain name is to search for availability. Go to Godaddy, Name Cheap, or any other domain registrar and type in your desired domain name. If the name isn’t available then choose another one. If the name is available, you should check out what names are similar to your desired domain name. This is important because if someone searches for a similar website they may end up on your site instead of the one they wanted. If this occurs then you may get traffic that you weren’t targeting. When you come up with a name, it’s always a good idea to do a little research on whether it’s available to use. You should also check to see if any social media accounts are available with that name. Using our example from earlier, let’s say you wanted to buy dgazelledigital.com but that was already taken so instead we registered thisdomaindoesntexistyet.com.  What do you do if your desired domain name already exists? If your desired business or blog name already exists, consider one of the following: –

What to Look For Before You Hire a Web Developer or Web Designer in 2022?

2 women talking because communication is important before you hire a web developer

Every business owner has to hire a web developer or web designer sooner or later. From someone who has been on both sides of the desk, I will use this quick guide to go over some of the key elements to look for when hiring a web designer or web developer to work on your business project. Why do you want to hire a web developer or web designer? What’s the main reason you want to hire a web developer or web designer? Of course, creating a website. However, there are many reasons why you might want to create a website. You might want to promote yourself as an artist, writer, or musician. You might want to sell products and services online or simply keep your friends and family in touch with what you are up to. Perhaps you are simply looking for somewhere to store contact details for friends and family? Or maybe you want people to be able to buy items from your store without your presence? Or do you want people to be able to download music files? Or even just to provide a space where people can leave comments about whatever it is that they do? Your goal will determine the kind of qualities you need before you hire a web developer or designer. How much does it cost to hire a web developer or designer? Before we talk about what you should look for before you wire a web developer or designer, let’s find out how much it costs to hire one. If you are looking to hire a web developer, it is hard to know how much it will cost. There are many factors in play and the cost of hiring a web developer is not always the same. The average hourly rate for a good web developer ranges from $50 – $80 per hour. If you have a specific project in mind, this may be all that you need for now. However, if your project needs more time or attention than one person can provide then it is best to consider hiring more than one person. This way, if one person gets sick or has personal issues then another person can take over their work until they return to work again. If you want someone who will work on your site full-time then they will charge more money per hour than someone who only works on an hourly basis while also charging an additional fee for any special features that they provide on your sites such as installation or hosting fees. Also, You can save money by outsourcing work overseas where labor costs are less expensive than here but keep in mind that lost cost doesn’t always mean great value. 5 Things to Look For Before You Hire a Web Developer or Web Designer If you’re in need of someone to create your website and make it look great, here are five things to look for before you hire a web developer or web designer. 1. Look at their own website: When looking to hire a web developer, the first thing you should do is look at their own website. Many people make the mistake of attempting to find a freelancer or company solely on the basis of price, which is a huge mistake. You must ensure that the web developer or designer has relevant experience and skills to create the kind of website you want. and can provide you with contact information for other web developers from other fields whom you might need. This will enable you to determine the level of quality work they will provide for your company. If you don’t like their own website, there’s a good chance they won’t be able to design something for you. If their website appears to be outdated or uninteresting, it’s time to move on! 2. Check out what their online reputation is like: Before making any decisions to hire a web developer or web designer, see what other businesses have to say about them. Do they have a lot of good feedback? Is there anything negative said about them? People can now be more open than ever before about their business experiences. It’s also crucial to do some background research on the company. Google can be your friend here!  The most important thing is the experience — how many years have they been working in this field? Can they point to projects they’ve done in the past? What were their clients’ experiences like? Did they deliver on their promises? Some websites will include information about their past projects and how they were completed. Have they designed websites for companies in your field or industry?  If they have a portfolio available on their website, take a look at some of the things they’ve done in the past and see if they’re things that align with what you’re looking for. They won’t be able to make you anything either. If you think their reputation is a little bit off, then it’s time to move on! 3. Before you hire a Web developer or Web designer, check if they are willing and capable to work with your required web hosting service: This is really important. If you are going to hire a web developer or designer, check if they are willing and capable of working with your web hosting service. If your web designer is not comfortable working with your hosting service, then he or she will come up with a lot of problems in the future. This can be very frustrating for both parties involved, as well as costly. If you have chosen a design agency that only uses one platform, such as WordPress or Drupal, then this will not be an issue at all. However, if you have chosen an agency that uses multiple platforms, then it is important that they are able to adapt to the different needs of each platform. 4. Check if the web developer/designer has good communication skills.

9 Sure Ways to Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Website in 2022- Dgazelle

website traffic

Website traffic is the primary metric for determining the success of your website. It is an important metric for tracking visitor interest, measuring content consumption, calculating conversion rates, and generally improving your online visibility. Talking about traffic, the most important thing is to drive high-quality traffic, which can lead to higher conversion rates and more sign-ups. I am going to share with you 9 sure ways to drive quality traffic to your website in 2022. The list is open for discussion; feel free to share your opinion in the comment section below. Table of Contents What Is Quality Traffic? Why it is becoming more difficult to drive high-quality Traffic to your website? Different Types of traffic available online 9 Ways to drive high-quality traffic to your website in 2022 Summary What Is Quality Traffic? Quality traffic refers to visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. When people come to your website through organic searches, paid ads, or social, they should be willing to engage with your products and/or services. A visitor who clicks on an ad just because they were bored or wanted something to do isn’t a high-quality visitor. Those are the people who will not engage with your website in any way – they won’t become customers and won’t even bother clicking on the links on your page. Why it is becoming more difficult to drive quality Traffic to your website? One of the biggest challenges you will face in your business is driving high-quality traffic to your website. One of the reasons it is becoming more difficult to drive high-quality traffic to your website is because of the increasing number of websites that are being launched each day. Websites are an essential requirement for every business these days. Whether you are offering a product or service, having a website can help you reach more customers across multiple channels. A website can help you provide information about your company’s products and services, educate your customers, as well as enable them to make a purchase online. Another reason it has become increasingly difficult to drive high-quality traffic to your website is that more businesses are adopting digital marketing strategies. Therefore, you need to find a way to make your business stand out from the crowd. It is 2022 and the conventional methods of driving traffic such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing are losing their efficacy in driving quality traffic. Different Types of traffic available online Understanding traffic is the most important aspect of any business as a business owner. Russell Brunson, a digital marketing expert, explains in his book ‘Traffic Secrets’ that there are three types of traffic available to websites. Russell also discusses the three types of traffic in this video, which are as follows: • Traffic that you do not control;  • Traffic that you can control but do not own; and  • Traffic that you do own. Traffic that you do not control The traffic you don’t control is traffic or audiences not on your email list or who don’t follow you on social media. They are people who learned about your presence through other means, such as word of mouth, social media, and other blogs or websites. Traffic that you can control but do not own This is the type of traffic you get when you run ads, whether they are Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or promotions on other platforms. In this case, the companies own the traffic, not you. You are simply leveraging their data to generate traffic, but you have control over who you target and how much traffic you generate by spending more or less. Traffic that you own  Simply put, the traffic you own is the best kind of traffic; these are people on your email list, followers, customers, and so on. These are your devoted customers; they believe in and rely on your products and services. How is website traffic quality measured? The quality of website traffic is measured by many different factors, including: Visits per day (VPD) – This measures how many times a visitor visits a site per day. A high VPD value is a good indicator of the quality of your website’s traffic. Time on site (TOS) – This measures how long visitors spend viewing your content. A high TOS value is an indication that your content is engaging and useful to users. Page views – This measure tells you how many times a user has viewed each page on your site. A high page view count is an indication that your site has an active audience and that users are interested in what you have to offer. Engagement rate – This number indicates how long users spend on your site once they arrive there, compared with other sites in the same category. The higher the engagement percentage, the better! 9 Ways to drive high-quality traffic to your website in 2022 1. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines (SEO) Search engines like Google help us find information online. There’s no point in having a beautiful website if people can’t find it through Google. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important. Google wants to provide the best possible search results for its users, so it uses an algorithm to determine which websites come up first in search results. SEO is the process of making your website easier for these algorithms to understand and rank highly in results. The more optimized your site is for search engines, the higher you’ll rank in search results and then you can drive more high-quality traffic to your website. Check out our post on 9 Most Important SEO Trends | Tips and Hacks You Need to Know in 2022 2. Optimize your page titles, page descriptions, and URL Another very important way to drive quality traffic to your website in 2022 is by optimizing your page titles, page descriptions, and URL. Page titles are the clickable blue links you see on a Google search

5 Simple Steps to Actually Identify your Ideal Client for your Business- Dgazelle

ideal client

Every company must identify its ideal customer. This will allow the company to tailor its content, services, and marketing strategies to the specific needs of its ideal client. If your company doesn’t know who its ideal client is, it won’t be able to attract clients who are most likely to buy from them. I’m going to walk you through the 5 steps you must take to unmistakably identify your ideal client for your business. Who is an ideal Client? Most business owners start with a product idea, never thinking about who they want as clients. However, you must identify your ideal client, else, you will attempt to serve everyone. And, in your attempt to serve everyone, you will end up doing a serious disservice to the people who need you most. Let’s see how other digital marketing experts define an ideal client: ‘An ideal client represents the person who needs your product or services the most. This is the person who’s targeted by your marketing strategies. Your ideal client is comprised of a specific demographic, not a broad client base. ’ ‘An ideal customer is someone who will buy our stuff and who we target our marketing efforts to ‘An ideal client is the person who really needs our service and has the willingness and ability to do what is required to get it 7 steps to unmistakably identify your ideal client for your business Like I said before- the biggest mistake you might make in your business when starting is to not identify your ideal client. Perhaps you are trying to be all things to all people. A lot of business owners think that the more people they can reach, the more successful they will become. That’s a mistake! The reality is the only way to truly achieve success in your business is to have a clearly defined and ideal client target. This allows you to focus your time and money on those who are most likely to buy from you right now. By focusing on just one target market, you’ll learn how to speak their language, understand their needs and problems, and develop the kinds of solutions that solve them best. In other words, you’ll build trust and rapport with your prospects so they come to see you as their trusted advisor instead of just another vendor. Follow these 5 steps to identify your ideal client: 1. Really Know Your Business: Yes, we’ll start here! If you want to identify your ideal client, you must first understand what you do for them. It may appear to be a simple step, but far too many people overlook it. They believe they don’t need to define what they do because they already know what they do. But defining it in a way that makes sense to outsiders is more difficult than you might think—and if you can’t explain what your company does in a clear and concise manner, how will potential clients know whether or not to hire you? So, clearly define what distinguishes your product or service. If your company were a person, who would they be and how would they communicate? There are numerous approaches to this, but it is critical to first understand what your company offers before considering who to sell it to. 2. Determine who is not your ideal client: Who do you not want to serve? Make a list of the clients you don’t want to work with. This will help you determine who does, in fact, belong on the list. You might find that you have a few common “deal breakers”—for example, if you’re passionate about serving local business owners, then it probably won’t be a good fit if your potential client works at a large corporation.  If you have experience in one industry but have zero interest in taking on work for another industry—say digital marketing but not food service—then that’s fair game too. Maybe you prefer working with individuals rather than companies; maybe you only want to serve people in your city or state; maybe there are a few key characteristics that just don’t vibe with your personality and would make working together difficult. Whatever the reasons are, it’s important to start this process by getting clear on who doesn’t belong. 3. Identify your ideal client and their uniqueness: You can’t please everyone. We all know that. Every time we create a product or service, there are going to be people who find it too expensive, too cheap, too complicated, or not complicated enough, lol. Another step to success is to have a clear vision of your client and what makes them unique.  Ask ideal client avatar questions like:  This is especially important when you’re first starting out. You don’t want to cast a wide net to see if anyone bites; it’s better to focus on one specific target and then expand from there once you’ve nailed the right fit for them. 4. Create a Client Persona: This is an important step in trying to identify your ideal client. A client persona is like a prototype of all the people you want to serve. Creating this prototype of your ideal client is a great way to focus your marketing efforts. With a specific profile in mind, you can create content and services that are designed with this person in mind. This will help you attract the right people and weed out those who are not a good fit, making your work more efficient. 5. Conduct market research on the people or companies on your list: Also, to identify your ideal client, you have to ask questions and collect feedback. You can start with your existing clients or check out the competition to get ideas. You’ll start to see patterns among the people or companies on your list. Here’s one of the ideal client examples- if a lot of your work comes from small businesses that need help with social media and content marketing, you’re probably going to want to focus